Saturday, April 24, 2010

If Heaven Ain't A Lot Like Dixie, I Don't Want To Go...

I just made a trip back to North Carolina for the second time in the last three and a half years since moving to California. The people out here in Cali don't believe me when I tell them how the Confederate flag still flies on many houses and big jacked up trucks with dual exhaust. They don't believe people are still racist and homophobic. And they don't always believe the stories about some good, clean, redneck fun.

I've decided I can't go without blogging about this trip because I love to connect people and things and I feel like I am capable of bringing together the best of two polar opposite worlds. My brother and I had a blast talking about how redneck our family is (but also with a sense of pride of our Southern roots). We took lots of redneck pictures and even did a RTV (Redneck TV) Cribs video of Daddy's house. I was going to post it on YouTube but Daddy asked me not to. Despite the fact that I think we are sitting a fucking gold mine, I will not post it because I adore my daddy and he is more important to me than the most hilarious video you have ever seen in your life.

So what exactly do rednecks and liberal freaks have in common? The ability to laugh at one another. The Rednecks back home are appalled when I tell them about some of the "Individualism" in Cali. I just bought a new camera and am planning on giving both of these worlds, a taste of the other. Maybe we can even start a new game: I'll post a picture and you have to guess which side of the country it came from. (FYI-This is going to be a rather easy game.) And with no further ado:


Honest Momblog said...

Um, wait, wait, don't tell me...Dixie? Hahaha! It's disturbing to see that flag as a left-leaning liberal, I must say.

YaYa Bowmann said...

This is great. Reading it was as good as hearing you talk about your visit home. Yeah...that flag...scary.

Please, ma'm, may we have some more?